MLC subzero 60 Silver (tausch)

1.899 €

Nur Abholung
17321 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Löcknitz


MLC subzero 60 + Case

The condition is very good, negligible marks of use.
The amplifier sonically is a Marshall on steroids. It does not forgive mistakes. Brilliantly reproduces articulations. It has a fair amount of gain, but it is more of a funneling sound than a compact and modern one. As for me, it is great for prog rock or older varieties of metal. It is very harmonic. MLC is famous for its guitar systems, so this amp gets along with effects.
The amplifier was supposed to stay with me forever, but I am forced to get rid of it due to moving to another city.

L: Stettin (PL)
German guitar brands as Haar, Maybach…
Studio equipment
Axe FX 3
Quad cortex.

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